Mitigating the risks.

Now that we've outlined the Potential Risks:, let's discuss how you can mitigate them.

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Implement PVA

Integrating a PVA tool into your existing security infrastructure will help monitor network traffic in real-time.

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Blend PVA

To get a view of security posture, complement PVA with active VA. This will ensure a thorough examination of threats .

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Regular Updates

Make sure that your PVA tool is regularly updated with the latest threat intelligence data.

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Continuous Monitoring

Regularly review the results from the PVA tool. This monitoring will ensure that you can quickly identify threats.

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User Awareness

Make sure your team is well trained in interpreting the results from tool. This will enable them to make informed decisions.

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Multipe Data Sources

PVA can be enhanced by incorporating data from various sources, such as log files, network flow data, and system files.